Official FreeiPods Blog
Official FreeIpods Blog: So What Are the Best Offers?

Thursday, November 04, 2004

So What Are the Best Offers?

As everyone knows, to get your free stuff from Gratis, Offercentric and the like, you must complete a trial offer. Most of them require a credit card, although non-credit card offers like eBay come up every once in a while.

I personally recommend the Blockbuster Online option, as it is a great service and is free for two whole weeks. I'm getting my DVDs within one day of shipment (of course, this may have something to do with the fact that I live within one hour of the company's corporate headquarters) and haven't had a problem so far with their quality. Only drawback is, they tend not to have some of the lesser-known movies. I tried to find Last Tango in Paris and it was nowhere to be found. But if you tend to rent the new releases, then this may be perfect for you.

I've also done, which also had a free trial and was easily cancellable. Same goes for AOL, with a 45-day trial period. I actually tried to cancel AOL when my trial was up and they extended my free offer to Dec. 15, which was nice. But be watchful - you don't want to end up with a bill!

Last but not least, I've tried It gives you (I think) two weeks free of some "Find Your Ancestor" service. However, if you fail to cancel before your trial is up, you're billed for $199 - so be cautious!

If you have any questions about these Gratis offers, feel free to e-mail me using the link on the right. I'm here to help!


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